Simple Saturday Prep: Fancy Bird Nests

For three years now a beautiful white-winged dove comes back to her nest snuggled in a scrawny limb in our backyard Live Oak tree. As predictable as the sunrise, she and her mate return to work together spiffing up their drab, grassy home, and then she precedes to lay a nestful of eggs. John and I...even Tripod...enjoy checking in on her daily. She simply ignores us and goes about her sitting as if we weren't even there. 

I'm thrilled to announce that the dove family has returned a little earlier this year. They're currently busy in the spiffing up stage, flying about with bits of dry grass in their beaks. So this Saturday I thought we'd give Mama and Papa Dove a little hand. What do you say?  Let's add a little pizzazz to their Extreme Makeover - Bird Edition. I contacted my good buddy Ty Pennington to give me a hand with this renovation project. 

Here's what we need for the renovations: an empty netted produce bag (I used a red netted bag that was once full of Clementines. Yum.), bits of brightly colored curling ribbon, colorful yarn, and/or string.

Sadly, there won't be any bus to move when we're done. Oh well...