Simple Saturday: Easter Lily Necklaces

This Springtime Simple Saturday activity is so easy I am almost embarrassed to share it with you. Truly, this one is about as simple as it of the simplest of the Simple Saturday's ever.

You have the supplies, right? The Styrofoam egg carton, yarn, plastic drinking straws, scissors, and tape?

All right then, let's begin.

Cut the straws into segments measuring approximately 3 inches long. Snip a 2 footish long piece of yarn off of the ball. Wrap tape around one end of the yarn to create a stiff point. Secure one straw bead to the other end of the yarn to assure that the lovely and delicate Easter Lily bead craft remains on the string. 

Now for the Easter Lily beads, where the highly skilled craftmanship begins. Oh...I can hardly wait!

Cut the egg carton apart by trimming around around the edges of each of the 12 egg-shaped cups. Cut jagged Easter Lily petals along the sides of the egg cups. Using the sharp point of your scissors, poke a hole in the center of the rounded cup.Look at that, will you! You have make an Easter Lily blossom!

Repeat the process with all 12 of the lovely egg carton cups. Just look at my dazzling dozen. Aren't they simply divine?

And now the stringing begins! With the stiff, taped end of your yarn segment in hand simply alternate stringing a plastic drinking straw bead and an Easter Lily blossom. That's all there is to it, my dear friend.

When all of the Easter Lily blossoms have been strung, tie the end of the yarn together and you've got a treasure to keep forever!

Special note: If you find that the egg carton Easter Lily blossom petals to be too pokey on your neck, the necklace doubles nicely as a stunning crown. (John, my in-house guinea pig, looks a little scary here, doesn't he?)

Well, I hope you've enjoyed my ultra-simply Simple Saturday activity as much as I have enjoyed making it with you. Thanks so very much for stopping by and I hope that your Saturday is simply sensational!