
EP09-The Power of a Mentor with Shannon Anderson

Episode 9 - Shannon Anderson.jpg

In this episode:

Shannon Anderson is a remarkable woman, to say the very least. This woman of faith is a mother, teacher, a Regional Advisor for the SCBWI-Indiana Chapter, a blogger, multi-published author, marathoner, and has earned the prestigious honor of being the Person of the Year for the RJ Runyan Foundation. In this episode, we learn about the power of a mentor who encouraged her to always “Go for the Gold!”

About Shannon Anderson:

Shannon Anderson was born and raised in Indiana.  She earned her Bachelor's Degree from Franklin College, her Master's Degree from Indiana Wesleyan University, and later pursued a licensure to teach high ability students from Ball State University. She’s an elementary teacher and children's book author. As the Regional Advisor for the Indiana Society for Children's Book Writers and Illustrators, she attends and plan many writing conferences. She’s on the board of directors for the Indiana State Reading Association and the high ability coordinator for her school system for K-5 grade students. She shares my home with her husband, Matt, two daughters, Emily and Madison, and dog, two cats, and a gecko. She enjoys presenting, teaching, writing, traveling, and running very early in the mornings.


Let’s connect: